Photography News June 19, 2023

//Photography News June 19, 2023

Photography News June 19, 2023

Quote“Of course, I hear that I must have a marvellous lens or extraordinary camera – instead of a lens with shutter and all for 20 pesos, and a camera quite gone to ruin! Not many realize that good photographs – like anything else – are made with one’s brains.” – Edward Weston


A Photo I’ve dreamt of… – good example of how to ‘work’ a subject


Composition Case Study: Analyzing Arnold Newman’s Photo of Igor Stravinsky


The Worst Photography Advice I’ve ever heard…


How I Capture Great Images in Bad Conditions – Alex Armitage


Thought for the day: Photography is a subtractive art and painting is additive art
In photography you move the camera trying to remove/subtract distractions from your image. In paintings they can add an interesting path or tree in exactly the right spot. Generative AI makes it easy to make additive “photographs”. You can make an additive photograph using Photoshop or similar tools, but that is harder. And it is the ease, I think, that make some photographers unhappy with this new capability.


Artist of the Week: The Tragic Story of Photographer Bob Carlos Clarke

The content of this blog post done in collaboration with one of our members, Greg Edwards:

By |2023-07-19T09:18:27-08:00June 19th, 2023|Categories: News|0 Comments

About the Author:

SlickPic was created by a group of like-minded photographers and photography-enthusiasts who wanted a service that wouldn't force them to conform to a certain style or niche, but one that would allow them the freedom to use their photos to tell whatever stories they want. They wanted a service that was capable of storing, showcasing, sharing, and displaying photos in all the different ways people use photos: some are meant just for family, some are taken for friends, and some are made for the world to see. SlickPic Photo Hosting and Sharing